Rennina Turner

Rennina Taylor Turner


Mrs. Rennina Taylor Turner is a 1986 graduate of Miami Jackson Senior High School.

While a student at Miami Jackson, she was member of the Civitan Service Club, Old Hickory Yearbook staff, member of the Newspaper staff and served on the Speech & Debate Team.

Mrs. Turner pursued her higher education at Tuskegee University where she earned a Bachelor’s Degree in English.

She chose teaching as a career and began at Maritime and Science Technology (MAST) Academy where she was honored as the Sallie Mae Beginning Teacher of the Year. During her career, she has served at Miami Northwestern Sr. High School as a Speech and Debate teacher and sponsor and at Booker T. Washington as the Department Head of Language Arts.

Her desire to motivate students lead her to pursue school administration and she continued her education to earn a Master’s Degree in Educational Leadership at Barry University.

Mrs. Turner began her career in school administration as an Assistant Principal at Miami Central Senior High School. After serving in that role for three (3) years, she was appointed as Principal, Miami Central Senior High School. As Principal of Miami Central Sr. High she had the honor of hosting and meeting President Barack Obama. Former President Obama kicked off his Education tour and acknowledged the success of the faculty, staff and students for the “turn-around” work taking place at a school once deemed the lowest performing school in the state of Florida. She also served as Principal of Andover Middle School and was nominated by her peers to represent the Norland Feeder Pattern as the Miami Norland Feeder Pattern Principal of the Year (2015-2016).

Mrs. Turner currently serves a Principal of Miami Jackson Senior High School and has been nominated by peers to represent the Miami Jackson Feeder Pattern as the Miami Jackson Feeder Pattern Principal of the Year (2017-2018)

Mrs. Turner met her husband, Reggie Turner, Miami Jackson Class of 1987, at Miami Jackson. They are the
proud parents of Reggie, Jr., Amani and Ryan. Reggie, Jr. attended and graduated from Miami Jackson in the Class of 2015.

Her favorite quote: “I have learned that success is to be measured not so much by the position that one has reached in life as by the obstacles which he has overcome while trying to succeed.”
Booker T. Washington

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