Eric Jenkins

Eric Jenkins


Mr. Eric Jenkins is a 1969 graduate of Miami Jackson Senior High School.

After graduation from Miami Jackson. Mr. Jenkins pursued his higher education at Miami-Dade Jr. College (now Miami-Dade College) and Florida Atlantic University where he majored in Art Education. He founded the Black Student Union while at Miami -Dade Jr. College. He began his career in education as a teacher at Miami Jackson Senior High School. 41 years ago.

During his tenure at Miami Jackson. he has been the founder and sponsor of several extra-curricular activities. such as. Miami Jackson Art Professionals Service Club, Miami Jackson Black History Month Art Exhibit, and the Art Professionals Award-Winning “Oldie Goldie Show.” In recognition of his outstanding artistic talent, he was invited to the Kennedy Center, Washington D. C. to exhibit 2 paintings that he painted while in the college of the God Father of Soul. the Legendary Mr. James Brown. at the opening of a documentary film on Mr. Brown’s life. Mr. Jenkins has made it a mission to exhibit his students’ artwork throughout Miami-Dade County, especially during Black History Month. With the assistance of his Art Professionals Club members. Mr. Jenkins has art on display at the campuses of Florida International University, Miami Dade College North Doral and Wolfson campuses, Stephen Clark Building, City of Miami Police Department. Villa Viscaya Gardens (Coral Gables). Fountain Bleu Hotel. Eden Rock Hotel. just to name a few.

Mr. Jenkins continues today as an art teacher at his Alma Mater, Miami Jackson Senior High School.

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