Gone but never forgotten! This memorial page will serve as a tribute to all of those Generals that we have lost along the way. If you have an obituary you would like to have listed here, please submit your request submission below.

Larry D. Allen

April 18, 2023

The Seasons of Life… For everything there is a season, a time for every activity under heaven. Ecclesiastes 3:1 “A Time to Be Born” Larry Donell Allen was born on June 2, 1951, in Miami Florida, to the late Lewis and Eula Mae Allen. He...

Lillian C. Morris Brown

February 7, 2022

Our beloved Matriarch, Lillian Cecillia “Ms. Ce Ce” Brown Morris, graced this Earth on May 7, 1951 in Camilla, Georgia. Born to two amazing parents, as their first-born child, who preceded her in death last year, George Preston “Bud” Brown an...

Lynette Tucker

August 13, 2020

On Thursday, August 13, 2020, angels surrounded Lynnette and carried her to her heavenly home in the sky. Lynnette Venita Tucker was born in Miami, FL on September 4, 1957 to Louvenia and Monroe Tucker. She received her High School Diploma from Miami...