J. D. Patterson

J. D. Patterson

Community Involvement / Public Service

Mr. J. D. Patterson.Jr. is a 1978 graduate of Miami Jackson Senior High School.

While a student at Miami Jackson Senior High School, Patterson was a member of the wrestling team. After graduating from Miami Jackson. he served in the U. S. Air Force until 1982. He began his career in law enforcement as a Police Officer in 1983. In 1984. he left his position as Police Officer but returned in 1985. to the Miami-Dade Police Department where he served as Patrol Officer Investigator. Supervisor. Manager and Command Level Officer. During his career. Mr. Patterson shared his expertise in law enforcement as a member of many Police professional organizations, his exemplary service was the catalyst for his appointment as Director of, the Miami-Dade Police Department, the position he held until this year. 2016. when he retired after serving 32 years

Mr. Patterson earned a Bachelor’s Degree from Barry University in Human Resource Management and a Master’s Degree from the University of Miami in Public Administration.

Additionally, Mr. Patterson is a licensed Baptist Minister at Mount Sinai Baptist Church where he was licensed in 1992 and continues to serve .

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