John Harris

John Harris


Mr. John Harris is a 19 7 4 graduate of .Miami Jackson Senior High School.

While a student at .Miami Jackson, Mr. Harris was Captain of the Football Team, Captain of the Baseball Team and Silver Knight winner in Athletics. He received numerous awards in football and baseball. He was drafted in baseball upon graduation.

Mr. Harris was a “well-rounded” student who also excelled in academics and earned the title of Valedictorian of his Senior Class.

He pursued higher education at Arizona State University, where, again. he received numerous prestigious awards which included ‘Inductee’ into the Arizona State Hall of Fame and Rhodes Scholar Nominee.

Mr. Harris began his professional career in Athletics with the Seattle Seahawks in 1978 where he remained until 1985. He joined the team of the .Minnesota Vikings in 1986 and remained until 1988. While in the NFL. one of the titles that he received was NFLPA Outstanding Defensive Back ..

Mr. Harris returned to .Miami Jackson Senior High School in 2000 as a teacher and Head Football Coach. He led the .Miami Jackson Generals in 8 playoffs. As Head Football Coach, he also organized the first .Miami Jackson football clinic and created professional development activities for the Assistant Coaches which included attendance to football clinics at the University of South Florida and Rutgers University under the direction
of Coach Jim Leavitt and Coach Gregg Schiano respectively.

Hall of Fame Roster