The Alumni Association Board of Directors serves as a liaison between alumni and our administration and staff to provide input on alumni activities.

As a reflection of the alumni body, the board provides Miami Jackson Senior High with insights into alumni sentiment on various issues concerning the high school. The work of the board is primarily engagement, not policy-making, advisory, or governance.

The Alumni Association Board helps shape the decisions that affect the life of MJG and the experiences of both current students and fellow alumni. The board is composed of alumni whose demonstrated service and leadership display a strong understanding and commitment to Miami Jackson Senior High School.


Sharon Forbb

Sharon Forbes

Louis Fish

Louis Fish

Beverly Williams

Beverly Williams

Brian Person

Brian Person

Karen Duty

Karen Duty


Michelle Roper


Neal McCrary

Pamela Knox-Shuler

Pamela Knox-Shuler

Rita Thomas

Rita Thomas

Ruby Howard

Ruby Howard


Valerie W. Gibbs

Warren Brown

Warren Brown

Yolanda Conway Everett

Yolanda C. Everett

Priscilla Spann

Priscilla Spann

Anita Williams

Anita Williams